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Parents as Teachers - Catholic Charities Head Start (Carroll County FY 18) - Annual

Better Off: % of kindergartners who participated in PAT who enter school "ready to learn" based on Kindergarten Readiness Assessment - Annual


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Story Behind the Curve

Even though children age out of this program at age 3,  prior to being assessed for readiness, PAT still tracks each child and reports on the results of their assessment at age 5.  The state has mandated that only 30% of all children entering kindergarten need to be assessed for readiness, and Carroll County has chosen to follow the minimum required standard.  In years past, Carroll chose to assess a greater number of children.  


Partners inlcude CCPS, who administers Kindgergarten Readiness Assessments and the PAT programs including Cathoic Chairities.

What Works

Children who participate in early education programs like Head Start and Early Head Start are typically more prepared for kindgergarten then students who were not enrolled in pre-school before starting school.  Carroll County ranks consistently in the top 3 counties for preparign children to begin school.

Action Plan

The Kindergarten Readiness Assesment is not used at this specific PAT program. Children leave the program when they are three years old so they are not ready to be assessed for kindergarten. 

Data Discussion

Measurement Tool Used

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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