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Parents as Teachers - Carroll County Public Schools (Carroll County FY 18) - Annual

Better Off: # of kindergartners who participated in PAT who enter school "ready to learn" based on Kindergarten Readiness Assessment - Annual

Current Value


FY 2018


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Story Behind the Curve

The State of MD requires that counties assess only 30% of incoming kindergartners for readiness.  For the past two years, Carroll has chosen to only test the minimum number of students.  Prior to FY 16, many more children were screened.  The Judy Center PAT program had 16 students who entered kindergarten at the start of FY 18, and only 6 of them were chosen to be assessed.   All six children were from low-income households and 3 had identified delays.  Typically Carroll's low income students and those with identified delays score much lower on kindergarten readiness.  PAT services have proven successful in preparing students to enter kindgergarten at the same level of prepardness as their higher income peers.


Carroll County Public Schools and the Judy Center PAT program.  Carroll County Schools provides the kindergarten readiness assessments for 30% of the children starting school.

What Works

Parents as Teachers assesses children for developemental concerns throughout enrollment in the program.  This allows children to receive early intervention services, which ultimately will help children be prepared for kindergarten.  

Action Plan

Data Discussion

66% of the children who received PAT services, and were chosen to be assessed for school readiness demonstrated overall readines, and 33% demonstrated approaching readiness.  All of the PAT children tested were very low-income and three had identified delays. Typically, Carroll's low-income students and those with identified delays score 18-20% lower on kindergarten readiness.  The children who received PAT services appear to have bridged that gap in 2018.

Measurement Tool Used

Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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