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Healthy Heights Reducing Childhood Hunger Program (Prince George's County FY19 and Beyond) Annual

How well: % of youth and parents who participated in Community Garden - (Annual)

Current Value


FY 2019


Line Bar

Story Behind the Curve

In FY19 the provider counted for 93 participants completed surveys out of the total 136." For 2 months, the provider was invited into the community to discuss the program. Therefore, March & April totals skewed their percentages for garden participation. Also, the provider found it challenging in encouraging participation in gardening. In FY2020, the provider will strategize ways to incentives participation.

The surveys are not named; could not determine the number of parents or youth who completed a survey. For FY20 the provider will label all evaluations as "ADULT … CHILD," requesting the participant to circle whether he/she is an ADULT or CHILD. Also, the provider will incentivize each participant upon submission of the survey to generate a higher return of survey submissions.


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Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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