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Greenbelt Cares Disconnected Youth Program (Prince George's County FY19 and Beyond) Annual

Better off: % of youth who obtained diploma and/or GED - (Annual)

Current Value


FY 2019


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Story Behind the Curve

Greenbelt CARES Disconnected Youth provides a GED Program that includes Mathematics, Social Studies, Science, and Reading and Writing. These classes run every three months. The GED preparatory programs are designed to assess students WRAT (Wide Range Achievement Test) for Math and English proficiency skills. As a result of their WRAT scores, youth participants select all or one of the core subject’s areas. Youth who participate in one or more of these core classes come in at a low rate of achievement score as they have been disconnected from school. As a result, the program aim is to help each participant to improve their achievements scored from when they entered the GED preparatory program. For FY20, the program will aim at encouraging these youth who have completed the GED Program to take one component of the GED test.   Furthermore, Greenbelt CARES will followup with these youth who have taken a GED test and measure the effectiveness of the program.


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Clear Impact Suite is an easy-to-use, web-based software platform that helps your staff collaborate with external stakeholders and community partners by utilizing the combination of data collection, performance reporting, and program planning.

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